Forsage programs
What kind of platform is this on which people make money literally out of thin air? Forsage is a decentralized marketing system powered by smart contracts. This allows you to earn cryptocurrency tied to the US dollar.

The principle is simple “invite and earn.”
By attracting new members, you receive 100% reward. The more people are involved, the higher the income!
Forsage programs: how it all works
Forsage has programs with different types of rewards. You can participate in one or several at once. Even starting with 10 BUSD, over time people come to an impressive passive income. The main thing is to regularly invite newcomers and help them get comfortable.

The platform offers 4 programs with different reward levels X3, X4, XX and xGold. Let's figure out how each of them works.

The X3 program consists of one line with only 3 places. It is the simplest and fastest. All profits depend on your personal efforts to attract partners.
When the first partner registers under you, you receive 100% of the cost of his or her level. When the 2nd place is filled, again 100% is returned to you. The reward for 3rd place goes to a higher partner, after which a recycle occurs you open the same level again and can fill it again, receiving income. And so on ad infinitum.

The people you invite work on the same principle:
When your partner goes through a full cycle at his or her level, that is, fills all the spaces in his or her matrix, you receive a payment to your wallet of 100% of your partner’s level value.
After this the partner opens a new cycle at the same level. And the partner begins to fill out the matrix again, inviting people.

At the same time, your partner takes a new free place below you in your matrix. That is, the same partner can fill several places at once on your levels, going through cycle after cycle with you.

And every time your partner completes a full cycle, you receive a payment of 100% of the cost of the level. Thus, the more actively a partner works, the more income he or she brings you.

If in the previous matrix the profitability was only 100%, then here three times more is accrued per cycle.
This program already has 2 lines: the first with 2 places, the second with 4. You earn on the 2nd line.

From the first line, all profits go to the higher-level participant. When 4 slots on the second line are filled, 3 rewards go to you. After filling, the matrix closes and everything starts again.
At the levels of the X4 program in Forsage places in the matrix can be occupied by:

  1. Only people you personally invited.
  2. Only people who were invited by someone else (your referral or partners).
  3. Invited by you and others - places are occupied partly by those you invited, partly by those invited by someone else.

That is, at your X4 levels there can be both people from your personal referral program and spillovers (overflows) from other Forsage participants.

The xXx program has 3 lines: 2 places, 4 places and 8 places.

From the first line, income goes to the referral. With the 2nd you receive 30% from each of the 4 partners. With the 3rd - 70% of 8 partners. In total, 580% profit per cycle. The last payments go to recycling.

About “spillover” or additional income from invited participants:

In program XX you have 2nd and 3rd lines. When these lines are completely filled, you get:

30% of rewards from the 2nd line;

70% of rewards from the 3rd line.

These percentages are then added up. It turns out that in one cycle, 30% + 70% = 100% of the payout of the cost of your level XX is credited.

This money is distributed between your referral and other partners at a higher level.

And a new cycle opens for you, and you can fill out the 2nd and 3rd lines again to go through the next cycle and get the next payout.

That is, each cycle in program XX brings 100% of the cost of the level.

Maximum number of lines and maximum income level. Your profit is: 20% from each place from the 2nd line, 30% from the 3rd and 50% from the 4th one. In total, you get 1120% profit per cycle.

The last 2 places on the 4th line bring you 50% reward.

That 50% adds up. It turns out that the last 2 payments from the 4th line give you 50% + 50% = 100% of the value of your xGold level. This 100% is distributed between your referral and upline partners. After this, you automatically open a new cycle at the same level. And you can start filling your lines again to go through the next cycle and get your next 100% payout.
Each program is unique and has its own advantages. X3 is the fastest, X4 opens up overflows, XX and xGold provide the opportunity to scale earnings by expanding the team structure.

All programs complement each other. Their optimal combination allows you to get the maximum benefit. And to work effectively in Forsage, it is important to use all the possibilities - this increases the chances of success. The main thing is to regularly invite new partners and help them in every possible way in their work.

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