Through emotions: the world of cryptocurrency and marketing

The emergence of cryptocurrencies is truly a revolutionary event, radically changing the usual economic realities. And it is not surprising that many people need time to adapt to these changes. We will discuss the emotional journey of investors, look at how they go through various stages, and give forecasts for the development of blockchain.

Denial, bargaining, and then adoption
Something new always causes resistance. “This can’t be real”, “This is a hoax” - such thoughts are familiar to anyone who encounters marketing for the first time. With denial comes anger. There is anger because of the lack of understanding, anger because the prejudices that often exist in society in relation to this area.

Once we get past the anger stage, we enter the bargaining stage. This is the time when the search for a compromise begins between our previous beliefs and the new reality.

After the bargaining period comes the moment of acceptance. And this is where the fun begins. We are beginning to understand and appreciate the new opportunities that open up for us in the world of marketing and cryptocurrencies. We learn, grow and develop. This is a time for new ideas, strategies and different approaches.
Cryptocurrency: more than a trend
Today, Bitcoin's dominance has fallen by half compared to 2014: this is the time when the capitalization of all cryptocurrencies did not exceed 20% of BTC.

Turning to cryptocurrencies, Lado Okhotnikov saw that this is not just a temporary phenomenon. This is a growing trend with huge potential. According to experts, by 2030 the market will grow significantly. But more importantly, it will change the way we understand finance and transactions.

  • A.Invest experts predicted radical changes in business processes:

A third of enterprises will use smart contracts instead of traditional contracts.

The gaming industry will completely switch to blockchain, which will combat fraud and create incentives for participation in games.

States will begin to use smart contracts when conducting elections, thereby increasing the level of confidence in the electoral process.

Cryptocurrencies offer more than just financial transactions. They present a new, fair system based on smart contracts. It's a new way of thinking about money and values. This movement towards a more open, transparent and accessible financial world opens up new horizons for earning money.

Corporate influence
TripleA predicted that in 2021, more than 18,000 companies will accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment, and the number of cryptocurrency users will exceed 300 million.
The image shows a timeline highlighting the biggest brands that have started accepting cryptocurrency as payments since 2014.

As the number of users of cryptocurrencies has grown, so has the number of customers willing to use them as a means of payment. The adoption of the new tool has helped brands appear more technologically advanced while also resulting in lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment systems.

If we go back to 2017, we see how the ICO boom helped raise more than $6 billion for crypto startups. In 2018, this figure increased by another 1.5 times. However, few of the projects were successful enough to survive to this day.

This is how cryptocurrency crowdfunding appeared - a way to raise money to support a project, idea or business.

  • Here's how it works: If you have a cool idea but don't have enough money to make it happen, you can generate interest from investors. You talk about your project and what is needed for it. People who see potential in this are starting to invest. In response to their support, you offer various “rewards” and “bonuses”, for example, the first copies of your product, which in most cases were just tokens.

In this context, the US Securities and Markets Commission (SEC) has intervened in the activities of many companies. Then she gave her definition that a tokenized security is an asset that is expected to increase in value and can be exchanged on the secondary market. This means that such operations fall under their jurisdiction, and this requires appropriate regulation.

In 2018, some analysts expressed the opinion that decentralized applications do not need their tokens, and buying cryptocurrency is similar to investing in ordinary companies. In this matter, the head of Securitize, Carlos Domingo, emphasized that sales of utility tokens through ICOs and IEOs will decline, and by 2030 they may completely disappear.

On the other hand, a utility token provides owners with access to certain products, services or functionality within the ecosystem of a blockchain project. Application tokens (Appcoins) differ from security tokens in that they do not grant the owner the right to a share in the company or profits from it.

  • Security tokens are digital coins that are similar to securities and provide owners with certain rights similar to those that holders of conventional financial instruments have. People who invest in such tokens become owners of a share in the company or have the right to receive a portion of the profits from its activities.

Despite pressure from the SEC, it is Appcoins, due to their simplicity, decentralization and transparency, that are leading to a new stage in the development of network marketing. This is also because they cannot be considered as investment contracts, and their functionality cannot be reoriented from providing access to resources within the blockchain ecosystem.
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