Brilliant: instead of hiring an army of unmotivated employees to sell its product, the company is looking for loyal followers who are ready to earn real money.
“Come and stay. The result does not come by itself. This is the fruit of labor and the ability to effectively convey information to others.”
“Obviously belonging to the crypto world sometimes causes strange reactions. Some consider cryptocurrencies to be fake, a scam, while others make money and do it successfully. In such conditions, it is important to stick to your beliefs and share useful information.”
“The crypto space will continue to face public skepticism for a long time, due in large part to a lack of awareness. And this is normal, since everything new should cause mistrust. This is the only way awareness comes.”
”Crypto is the future. Just don't denigrate him. If you don't understand, figure it out. Once you figure it out, teach the rest.”