Forsage does not store or manage money
Why does the money in Forsage immediately go to the user’s wallet and is not stored on the platform? This is due to the peculiarities of smart contracts. The algorithms are configured in such a way as to exclude the participation of the platform in transactions between participants.
Smart contracts are programmed so that all transactions occur directly between the crypto wallets of referrals and their followers. As soon as the conditions for paying the reward are met (for example, the partner fills in a line in the matrix), the funds are instantly transferred to the referral.

Forsage does not store or control funds. The entire logic of transfers and payments is clearly written in the code, which is stored in the blockchain. This is how transparency and decentralization are ensured.

Since Forsage adheres to a decentralized business model, smart contracts are written accordingly. Users don't have to worry about searching for so-called "honeypots" in the code.

  • Honeypot is a hidden code in a program that allows developers to control and freeze users' money. Simply put, this is a “trap” with which you can block users’ access to their money stored in the pool at any time. And users will not be able to do anything about it, since Ihave no influence.
Honeypot is often used in centralized services and applications where all power is in the hands of the owners. It allows them to manage clients' money at their own discretion.

In decentralized systems like Forsage, a honeypot is impossible, since no one controls the operation of the service centrally. Such systems are most reliable for users.

Within the platform, no one, including developers, has the ability to interfere with the code or freeze funds. All rules are hard-coded and unchangeable.

This makes it impossible for Forsage to freeze funds, since there is no user money in the smart contracts account. Participants are in full control of their assets at all times.

How to recognize a honeypot
Here's what the honeypot smart contract code might look like:
contract MyContract {

  address public owner;

  constructor() {
    owner = msg.sender; 

  function deposit() public payable {
    // accept deposits from users

  function withdraw(uint amount) public {
    // withdrawal

    require(msg.sender != owner, "Owner cannot withdraw"); 


  function emergencyWithdraw() public {
    // "emergency withdrawal"
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");  


Here the function “emergencyWithdraw” is a honeypot.

It allows the contract owner to withdraw all user funds to his account at any time.

However, there are other variations in code execution:

  • Using the function to change the owner of a contract:
function setOwner(address newOwner) public {
  require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can change owner");

  owner = newOwner;
Only the current owner can call this function. Allows you to transfer full control to the new owner.

  • Function for changing contract logic:
function setLogic(bool newLogic) public {
  require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can set logic");
  logic = newLogic;
Allows the owner to change the business logic at will.

  • Possibility of funds withdrawal without commission:
function withdrawWithoutFee(uint amount) public {
  require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can withdraw without fee");

  • Function to stop the contract:
function pause() public {
  require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can pause");

  paused = true;
Suspends all contract activity.
Only due to the decentralized nature of Forsage, the lack of storage of funds and the autonomous operation of smart contracts, users have nothing to worry about. Their cryptocurrency always remains under their control and no one can freeze it.
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