There is no magic pill that will make you a successful businessman in a few days. Even if you find a way to outwit the system, it will only make the situation worse.
For a beginner, it is important to show a willingness to accept information. Isn’t it convenient to work with those who strive for change and are ready to listen carefully? Strength is not in persuasion, but in showing interest in what the mentor says.
If a newcomer shows initiative, it immediately catches your eye. However, if he or she only pretends to listen carefully and then does things differently, this may cause ineffective work. It’s better not to work with such people and not waste time on training. They will still continue to do things wrong.
Avoid situations where a beginner wastes time inventing a “bicycle” that can lead to mistakes. Accordingly, due to these mistakes, he or she will stop earning money, and then so will you.